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How To Crate Train Your Puppy - Puppy Fever Pro

How To Crate Train Your Puppy

So you’ve got a new puppy? Congratulations! Milan Kundera once said that “dogs are our link to paradise” and that couldn’t be more true for me. My dog Milo and I have been best friends since we met. And the adventures we’ve gone on have taken me to all sorts of places that I thought I’d never go. 

Milo was crate trained as a puppy - and I’m so glad I took the time to train him properly. If you’re wondering what the benefits of crate training are or how to crate train your puppy, I can help. In this blog, I’ll go through the benefits and explain how to crate train your puppy.

But first…

What is a crate?

Crates are essentially an enclosure for dogs. They can be made from metal, wire, plastic, or fabric. A dog crate can essentially become your dog’s den. A place to chill or to hang out in while he is being transported. 

Puppy Fever Pro stocks premium crates for dogs and puppies. Produced locally here in Texas, our crates are produced from high-quality materials to ensure your dog or puppy is kept safe and secure.

Our heavy-duty zinger lightweight aluminum crate by ZINGER™are ideal for airline travel. Robust and sturdy, the crate exceeds the IATA 82 standard. The IATA 82 standard is a rule set by airlines that the crate must be constructed using wood, metal, synthetic materials, or wire mesh. Crates cannot be made from plastic or contain any plastic components. The door to the crate must be secured with metal, reinforced wood, or heavy-duty wire. 

To view more details about our deluxe Heavy Duty Zinger Lightweight Aluminum Crate for puppies, visit the product page HERE.

Benefits of crate training

Crate training prepares your dogs for emergencies

In the instance of an emergency, your dog may need to be transported to the vet or back home after surgery. Dogs who have not been crate trained from a young age may find being in a crate stressful. However, if they’ve been trained from a young age, they will feel less anxious about being in an enclosed space, post-surgery, or during transportation to and from the vet. 

Crate training prepares your dogs for travel

If you’re someone who loves to travel, I highly recommend getting your puppy crate trained. Getting your puppy used to being in a crate means that when you want to take a trip, your furry friend will feel comfortable relaxing in their crate during travel. Whether it be a car, train or airplane, our Heavy Duty Zinger Lightweight Aluminum Crate meets travel standards and will keep your dog safe and sound. 

Remember, dogs should not be sedated on a flight. The American Veterinary Medical Association advises that sedating your dog can increase the risk of heart and respiratory problems. 

Crates are a place of refuge for your puppy

Just like humans, dogs need a place of refuge. A place to feel safe, calm, and relaxed. A good example to demonstrate the benefits of having a crate is during New Year’s Eve or Guy Fawkes. Fireworks can be very distressing for your dog - so if they need a place to retreat, a crate is a good place for them to do this.

Crates keep puppies safe and older dogs relaxed

When your puppy is brand new, a crate will keep your little pup safe while it grows. On the other hand, an older dog may need somewhere to relax and rest if they are experiencing symptoms of arthritis, incontinence, or cognitive dysfunction. Older dogs tend to take more naps and may also wander around during the night. A crate can ensure they are kept safe overnight. 

Crates help rescue dogs adjust to their new environment

If your pup has come from a rescue shelter, they’ve probably been in a crate for months. A crate will provide comfort to your dog while they adjust to the new environment. Rescue dogs are not always particularly social, especially if they’ve experienced abuse from a previous owner. So offering them a safe space to gain confidence and trust is a wise idea. 

Important note! I want to let you know that putting your dog in a crate is not imprisoning them. As you can see from the above, crate training your dog comes with a lot of benefits for you and your precious pup. Be patient with the process and work hard to create positive associations with the crate so your dog doesn’t feel that it is a place to feel imprisoned, but rather, to feel relaxed.

Now that I’ve spoken about the benefits of having a crate, let’s talk about how to crate train your puppy

Step one: Find the right crate for your dog 

Your dog’s crate should be comfortable, durable, safe, and secure. This is exactly what our Heavy Duty Zinger Lightweight Aluminum Crate is. 

The Deluxe model is the perfect replacement for cheap plastic and dangerous wire crates. All Deluxe crates feature a laser-cut door formed from extra-thick aluminum. The top and lower vent holes allow for airflow through the interior. The Deluxe is Zinger’s entry-level model but incorporates the same high-quality aluminum, locks, hardware, and powder coating offered in our more expensive models. You can learn more about the product HERE.

Step two: Make it a place that they’ll enjoy and reward them with snacks 

You want your pup to build positive associations with being in the crate. To do this, you need to make it a nice place for them to be. Place comfortable blankets and toys in their crate to keep them entertained and happy. Start by putting them in the crate for a couple of minutes a day and work your way up from there. After the dog has gone into the crate, reward him or her with a snack. 

Step three: Play games with them 

Another way of creating a positive association with the crate is to play a game. Try throwing a ball into the crate which your dog has to collect and bring to you.

Step four: Remove their collar and keep an eye on them 

It’s really important to remove their tags or collars before going into the crate. If their collar gets caught on the wire it could strangle them. When your pup is in the crate, keep an eye on them. Let them know that you are there if they need you so they don’t feel abandoned. 

Step five: Be patient

Your dog won’t feel comfortable in his or her crate for a couple of months. You need to remain supportive and patient. Just like children, dogs take time to learn new things, so hang in there and you’ll be grateful you did. 

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